Doomsday Book Entry
Bassingfield appears in 2 entries in the Domesday Book
Total population: 12 households (medium).
Total tax assessed: 2.0 geld units (
quite small).
Entry 1
Taxable units: Taxable value 1.3 geld units
Households: 8 freemen.
Ploughland: 2 ploughlands (land for). 3 men's plough teams.
Other resources: Meadow 15 acres.
Lord in 1066:
Lord in 1086:
Roger of Bully
Entry 2
Taxable units: Taxable value 0.7 geld units.
Households: 2 smallholders. 2 freemen.
Ploughland: 1 ploughland (land for). 1 men's plough teams.
Other resources: Meadow 5 acres.
Lord in 1066:
Countess Gytha (of Hereford)
Lord in 1086:
William Peverel